On Transparency

“It’s impossible to move, to live, to operate at any level without leaving traces, bits, seemingly meaningless fragments of personal information.” – William Gibson

As a self-accepted bibliophile, I have read something from just about every genre. During my teenage years of angst and self-discovery I read the novels of William Gibson – one promise after another opened up like delightful fortune cookies. It’s been years since I messaged in DOS and went by MonaLisa, but when something sparks a memory of his work, I might as well have just put the book down.

When I read the Wired article about Evernote, I was taken back to those heady visions of instant access to other’s details, to the projection of so many personal information bites that someone can “know” you in mere moments. It sure beats a handshake and a card. Now I know that I am getting ahead of things, but can you imagine?

Think of the ease of communication when all of our shared information is available with an instantaneous download. Refer back to my earlier post regarding the handshake data exchange. Now imagine this commonplace and people offering up who and what they are in the first moment you meet – be it in person or in the virtual world.

I know there are already warning tales in abundance of hacking each other’s information, hacking your own information and just about every cyber nightmare available. In my mind though, we are already suffering from that with identity theft and government spying and the list goes on… if it can be hacked, wouldn’t you rather offer it up willingly?

As you work to live a transparent life and others start to do the same, is it that hard to image people and corporations taking better care to regulate their own actions? When it comes to a choice between the difficult and illegal maneuvering to cover something up and the momentary pause required for making a decision between doing “good” and doing “bad”, I think the latter will predominate.

Honesty. That’s the key word.

Image: GreenGrassDesigns
